What is Quartz and where does it come from?
One of the most abundant minerals known to man, quartz exists in two forms: alpha (low) quartz, and beta (high) quartz. Alpha quartz is stable up to 573 degrees centigrade and is triangular in structure, with Beta quartz being stable over and above this temperature with a hexagonal format.
Beneath the Earth’s surface, molten lava and magma shape themselves into igneous rocks and it is the erosion of these rocks, through chemical weathering, which begins the formation of the quartz mineral. Its main properties are silicon and oxygen atoms.
Though the majority of quartz comes from the igneous rocks formed by lava, it can also be chemically precipitated from hot, hydrothermal veins within the Earth’s core and turns into gangue, a material in which ore minerals such as gold, silver and copper are found.
Some quartz does form during metamorphism, by reactions between other minerals. Many of these reactions occur at high pressure and temperature so this makes up a relatively small fraction of the quartz seen in rocks exposed at the Earth’s surface. These rocks have been brought up to the Earth’s surface following erosion of the rocks that previously covered them.
Highly resistant to weathering, quartz can form at all temperatures and is abundant in not only igneous rocks but also in metamorphic and sedimentary formations. As the erosion process develops the rocks become rounded, with loose grains accumulating as sediments, turning into sandstones. Thus, some sandstones contain quartz grains that can be identified as being of igneous or metamorphic origin.
Natural quartz is a mineral that forms in clusters whilst engineered quartz is made up of ingredients that, when combined, take on the qualities of natural stone. These ingredients are quartz mineral (up to 93%) and several additional additives such as resin and colour.
Because it is formed under the Earth’s surface, it is present and plentiful in all parts of the world and it has become a mineral of great economic importance. Many of its varieties are semi-precious gemstones. Indeed, quartz has been the most commonly used mineral in the makings of jewellery and hardstone carvings throughout the world, but most especially in Eurasia, with China, Japan and Russia being the primary producers of the mineral.
What can The Marble & Granite Company offer?
The Marble & Granite Company offer a beautiful range of premium Kitchen worktops in Essex and surrounding areas. All of our kitchen worktops are high-quality and affordable. Whether you’re looking for Granite, Quartz or Corian, our professionals can make your Kitchen look fabulous. Get in touch today for your free quote on 01206 616323 or email us martin@themarbleandgranitecompany.co.uk for more information.
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